E-ISSN 2218-6050 | ISSN 2226-4485
Most Accessed Articles

  • Ovarian teratoma displaying a wide variety of tissue components in a broiler chicken (Gallus Domesticus): morphological heterogeneity of pluripotential germ cell during tumorigenesis
    S. Ohfuji
    Open Vet J. 2016; 6(2): 78-83
    » Abstract » doi: 10.4314/ovj.v6i2.2

  • Urinary capillariosis in six dogs from Italy
    A. Mariacher, F. Millanta, G. Guidi, S. Perrucci
    Open Vet J. 2016; 6(2): 84-88
    » Abstract » doi: 10.4314/ovj.v6i2.3

  • Phylogenetic analysis of some Newcastle disease virus isolates from the Sudan
    N.A. Elmardi, M.A. Bakheit, A.I. Khalafalla
    Open Vet J. 2016; 6(2): 89-97
    » Abstract » doi: 10.4314/ovj.v6i2.4

  • Expression, purification and immunochemical characterization of recombinant OMP28 protein of Brucella species
    Y. Manat, A.V. Shustov, E. Evtehova, S.Z. Eskendirova
    Open Vet J. 2016; 6(2): 71-77
    » Abstract » doi: 10.4314/ovj.v6i2.1

  • Double filtration plasmapheresis in a dog with multiple myeloma and hyperviscosity syndrome
    I. Lippi, F. Perondi, S.J. Ross, V. Marchetti, G. Lubas, G. Guidi
    Open Vet J. 2015; 5(2): 108-112
    » Abstract » doi: 10.5455/OVJ.2015.v5.i2.p108